Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The good news continues

The latest blood work came back today. The CA-125 test was down to a 4. It doesn't get any lower than that, according to the OBGYN/oncologist.

As grateful and thankful as we are, we know this can always come back. Statistics aren't good. But you can't live by the statistics. That's not living; that's slavery.

Thank you for your ongoing prayer support and encouragement. And for rejoicing with us.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Prayer needed - tests tomorrow

Here's a photo of Karen with her mother last weekend. Her mom was so happy to see us!

We've all been so busy and caught up in life...yet I hear from many who read this blog regularly. Thank you for your messages here and e-mails to us. They mean a great deal to us.

Tomorrow Karen goes in for the next round of blood work. Though every test has come back at the lowest level possible, nothing is taken for granted. When we're caught up in carting children around to skating and dance lessons, going to church, hosting Easter dinner, seeing extended family, it's easy to forget that around the corner is cancer. The statistics aren't good. You would think after a year and a half of it being gone, we'd be thinking, good, it's over...but we're nowhere near that point. It seems with every few months that goes by, we're a little more nervous each time.

So please keep Karen in prayer. We never take for granted being able to come back with good news, as we have been able to so many times so far.

Thanks and God bless, praying for more good news...