Tuesday, December 4, 2007

December has arrived

This morning I read John 14:27 and it spoke to me, particularly where Jesus says "Let not your heart be troubled" (emphasis mine). Many have asked me, with all that's going on, how do you do it? Truthfully, I don't. If I were trying to make it without faith, I couldn't face the day. There is plenty to despair about, but that's just living in this world, even in the best of times. We have a choice to be troubled. We have a choice to be fearful. Fear paralyzes. I refuse to give in to that.

Indeed, there is much I could fear about, particularly the lack of steady income. Even though a few serious real estate buyers have emerged, real estate feels like volunteer work most of the time, if you know what I mean. We need a steady stream. This would definitely reassure Karen and I'm trying to keep as much of this stress from her as possible. Her job is the hardest of all: beat this beast called cancer, and focus on that alone. You all come into this with your prayers and ongoing support. I can only ask that you continue.

Karen has a 6 x 4 inch size chemo burn above the abdominal port. She continues chemotherapy on Friday and her regimen is changing somewhat. It will all be administered through the chest port now and it's changing to a more traditional chemotherapy. She is in excruciating pain. How do you describe pain? It's all from this internal burn. With years of defending medical malpractice claims, it is the first I've come across this - and not even the oncologists have seen this before, though it's been heard of. Karen is as content as she can be right now. Please pray for her peace of mind and of course for her complete recovery.

The fundraiser is still scheduled for January 27. Out of respect for everyone's Christmas financial strain, I'll be focusing on ticket sales after Christmas is over. Many have asked about this and we're so blessed by the support and kindness.

Please, continue to pray for our needs to be met and for Karen's peace of mind. While you're at it, pray for our older daughter Kylie, who is going through a great deal of anger right now. Much of this has to do with being in 7th grade (did anyone enjoy 7th grade?!?) but she's very upset about her mother's diagnosis. Please pray for her peace through a year that has become very challenging for her, or for any 7th grader.

Thank you again for your prayers and we'll remain in touch.

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