Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy New Year - and prayer for material needs

2008 is here - Happy New Year to you all! We spent New Year's Eve with our close friends Joe and Nicole Sanders and their children, eating pizza and watching The Poseidon Adventure - is there any other movie that depicts a New Year's party gone bad like this one does?

We start 2008 with gratitude for all that has been given us in the last four months. We've realized we are not alone up here in Minnesota but that we have many who love and care for us just like family. If anything good has come out of the ovarian cancer experience, it has been that.

We need prayer for an income gap we're facing right now. I started a position at Allianz a few weeks back but it was the training phase. The start date is Jan 7 but I will not see a check until Jan 18. We don't know what we will live on between now and then. God has provided for us before and will provide again; this we know. Please keep us in your prayers.

Karen has been feeling good, given the circumstances. Her reaction to chemotherapy is mostly tiredness and fatigue with some joint pain. Her emotional state hasn't been as healthy, as she worries a great deal about my work. I'm still doing real estate, but any income from that in the current market is a plesant surprise. She talked yesterday of stopping her treatments (she's four rounds into a six round regimen) to work. As you can imagine she needs prayer for her peace of mind. As do I, many times.

We've also discussed giving concerts and recording again if God should allow that. The concerts will probably resume in the spring, once Karen has at least some hair back. God willing on the 27th fundraiser we may sing a song or two.

Again, in the midst of turmoil, we know we are blessed. Thank you.

1 comment:

Lidya <3 said...

i stumbled upon your blog by chance (i was clicking the next blog button up top).

i hope things will work out for you and your family.