Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Marching into March - and don't forget to set your clocks ahead

We're now about four weeks out from Karen's final chemotherapy treatment. She is gaining energy back slowly and is becoming quite restless. Karen's not used to being sedentary. The hair will take a little longer to return. She's not ready to face the workforce just yet.

As for me, I start the position with the New York firm within the next couple weeks. I plan to remain at Allianz for the duration of the project I've been working on here, though on a part time basis. Your prayers for the next position and its financial success are appreciated, especially as we have a hole to dig out of. But I've got a good shovel!

We appreciate the ongoing prayer support and ask for it now as we encounter some March blues. March is a rather bleak month anyway (my apologies to anyone who has a birthday this month). So many friends of ours are taking trips for spring break. We're not going anywhere. Add to that the Minnesota weather - the cold spell certainly debunks any notions of global warming - and it's a recipe for depression. There have been way too many burdens, but I realize they are not ours to bear. God gives us rest - Matthew 11:28 - and this is what I have to keep coming back to.

We remain on a vigil. The odds aren't good as ovarian cancer recurs in 90% of the cases. If Karen can make it two years, she is most likely in that group that will conquer this disease. With every test, we'll be asking for your prayers.

Please pray also for my mother, Sharon Darnick, who saw her pulmonologist a couple weeks ago and has been diagnosed with lung cancer. She is nearing the end. Please keep me, my sisters, and brother in your prayers as we are very likely anticipating her death. She has been in hospice care since November and is at her home in Green Lake, WI. I anticipate going down to see her in the next couple weeks as well.

No matter what happens, God is still Lord of All. Be encouraged.


Unknown said...

Karen, Sharon Seaton forwarded me your blog a couple of days ago. I should have contacted you earlier, but perhaps my delay was was for good reason - to lift your spirits in this depressing month of March. I, too had Ovarian Cancer, stage 3 twenty years ago. I underwent aggressive chemo and with many prayers, I have had no recurrance. I am in good health and enjoyed my 70th birthday in November. I still remember the loss of hair (it will come back), the weakness, exhaustion, nausea, etc, etc. But, God is good and for whatever reason, has granted me these additional years. I'm convinced that He uses these experiences in our lives for good. I will continue to pray for you. Will you be having follow-up surgery?

Karen and John said...

Glenda: Thank you for your comments - your story is inspirational. If you get a chance, feel free to drop Karen an e-mail at She would be happy to hear from you and correspond with you.

Anonymous said...

Good post.