Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Latest developments in the fight against cancer - and thank you

To those who have sent cards, e-mails, phone calls, and prayers for me and my family over Mom's death - thank you. Not a day goes by without tears. The wake was last Wednesday night the 26th and the funeral mass the following morning the 27th. A few hours after the burial, my sisters, brother and I selected a simple stone to mark her burial in Green Lake, Wisconsin. It will read "Sharon Jacobsen Darnick 1937 - 2008 Love you forever"

Another blog has been created in Mom's memory at http://rememberingsharon.blogspot.com.

This morning I arose very early to take Karen in for surgery - to remove the abdominal port, the one that you may recall was causing many of the problems last November. We were home by 10:00 am. Karen saw Dr. Argenta yesterday who was optimistic at the news of the CA125 going from a 6 to a 5. He informed her that most women never see the CA125 go down at all and for hers to have gone down to 5 is excellent progress. He also told her it will in all likelihood never go below that. I prayed all morning that the Lord would give Karen some good news - usually these doctor visits are very sobering. It was great to see Karen leave feeling encouraged.

Karen's strength is back. Her hair is beginning to come back, but those of you who remember how long it was (scroll down to the photo below) know that it will take a long time. We ask for prayer for discipline and strength to maintain the no-sugar diet. You would all be amazed at how easy it is to give up. I drank a Coke last week and felt sick afterwards - I learned later that my body had gotten used to not processing such huge amounts of sugar.

Thank you for prayers during this difficult and dark season of life. We're certainly ready for the sun to shine again. Faith, however, gets us through. To see the goodness of God in the midst of this storm is what faith is all about.


Anonymous said...

What type of no-sugar diet are you following? Are you just giving up refined sugar, or all sugars including fruit, etc.?
I'm just curious, because I have been thinking of doing that as well.

Karen and John said...

Hi anonymous: If you get the chance, pick up "Beating Cancer With Nutrition" by Patrick Quillin. Karen has given up refined sugars. We discovered a sugar substitute called Stevia that I use to sweeten coffee. We gave up soda pop - very easy to do actually - and started drinking Izze when the soda pop craving is overwhelming. There are also many good recipes with lots of antioxidants in "The New American Plate Cookbook", recommended to us by a nutritionist. I hope this gives you some direction and e-mail us if you have any questions at soulwise@msn.com.