Friday, April 25, 2008

Rainy April days in Minnesota

First of all, please forgive me for not updating this blog very much lately. My family and I have been preoccupied with the memorial blog for my mother, which you can find at Your kind words and cards have meant so much to me in the last month since my mother died.

Karen is a little stronger every day and looking better. We've been told it takes about a year for one's body to get completely back to normal. Chemotherapy kills so many cells. We're trying to replenish them by drinking mangosteen juice, which has 500 x the antioxidants that the same serving of orange juice contains (e-mail me if you want more information about this at Her fingertips are numb and Karen has to call on me or the girls to open jars, for example. Some hair is's almost as long as my hair was at its shortest. Karen will go to the doctor every three months and see what the CA-125 is doing. She maintains the no-sugar diet.

In the meantime, we are meeting many others whose lives are being affected by cancer. While we were out to dinner about a month ago, a lady approached Karen and asked her if she were battling cancer. It turns out she had just been diagnosed a couple months before with bone cancer. While the girls went out to the van to wait on us, Karen and I spent about 1/2 hr with her and her husband. In addition, a colleague of mine at Allianz was just diagnosed and I've been able to share our experiences with her. As Paul says in 2 Corinthians, God comforts us in our afflictions that we may comfort others.

Please keep our family in prayer as we face financial hurdles right now. I know in God all things are possible, so it's hard to get discouraged...that's why it's not wise to ever listen to the news. Gas and food prices are skyrocketing and making it hard for all of us to live. God has been good to us in so many ways and we're thankful. There is so much worldly noise to shut out.

God bless and thank you for being there for us.

1 comment:

nat said...

L-glutamine powder worked a miracle for my tingling and numbness (caused by Taxol and Carboplatin). I also take a B-vitamin complex.

I take about 7 grams of L-glutamine powder every other day or so mixed with juice. It really stopped my numbness and tingling. Now I just have a little residual tingling in two toes (much better than the complete numbness I had before).

When I had asked my old doctor about it, he said that he didn't think it would help. Boy - was he wrong! :)