Sunday, November 30, 2008

Family picture - we have survived

Here we are in a church family picture taken just a few weeks ago. Of course there is Karen in the front, and then (clockwise) Shelby, John, and Kylie. We're smiling, though it's been a very hard couple years. We're not out of the woods yet, but 1) cancer hasn't returned and 2) we're still in our home. Your prayers remain so important to us as we continue on this journey.
Please forgive that we don't update this more frequently. In the world of cancer, no news is good news, but I think with Christmas approaching in three and a half weeks and long gift lists emerging from our girls, it's time to keep the meaning of Christmas in perspective and I'll use this blog to put Advent postings. One of our pastors reminded us this morning that Advent is the beginning of the year for the church so shouted out "Happy New Year" to a crowd of rather disoriented Lutherans.
Whenever anyone asks me for prayer requests, of course the first one is praise that cancer has not returned. The next round of tests will be after Christmas. The next request is for stability. My work situation has been at best a roller coaster. I've had several interviews for a position with Kemper Insurance that I will ask you to keep in prayer. This would be a good situation for me and my family.
A lesson I'm still learning is how much fear controls our lives. There is much to be afraid of in life, no matter what we know. Even Jesus felt fear as He contemplated the cross before Him. I read a quote recently that is now on my bulletin board: Fear is the faith that it won't work out. Doesn't that say it all? God's safety net is monstrous compared to the little torn fishing nets I put out for myself. At age 46, I think I'm beginning to catch on.
We love hearing from any and all of you and feel free to e-mail at or comment here.
God bless you all!

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